22 August 2009 3.00pm
Happy Birthday to Simon and Chun Yan. Hope you enjoy yourselves today. Have a wonderful moment as you did in previous years’ today.
I finished all my 1st tests 2 days ago. Hurray, I am feeling elated. I feel so not because I did them very well, but it is releasing me from pressure of 10 MPa (Pascal, SI unit for stress). I was feeling pressure because I did not do my preparation well. Although my timetable is not so tight, I am just not managed to do all the study well. Just “Don’t know why”(a favorite song of mine by Norah Jones).
Since my course mates and I promised to go out to relax after tests, we decided to go sing K. What I am trying to say is not the (wonderful nice, perhaps) singing moment we had in the K box, but the moment we were waiting for the bus to go to City Square(CS) (a shopping complex in the capital city of Johor Bahru, for those who do not know JB well). We waited for bus for about an hour. Since we were quite fed up with this kind of bus service, we made a decision to leave to go back to our hostel (meaning cancelling our “concert”) in about 5-10 minutes if the bus still did not show up. After deciding so, the bus finally came after 5 minutes. This is the best part. God (of any kind of religions you believe in) is almighty. HE can always make some situations for you to go through before you can achieve the result. He made us wait for so long then made the bus appear just at the moment when we were about to leave. (Maybe the delay was not arranged by HE, but instead was due to some lazy bus drivers who took a long lunch break or due to some “responsible” traffic or JPJ officers who had a road block during that time, who knows, but surely I did not know).
After coming back from CS, I decided to go online as I had not updated myself for 10 days since the coming of test week. The on-line speed at B11 (a block of Fakulti Alam Bina(FAB)) is tremendously fast, even faster than the lousy 1M streamyx broadband service at my home. The Wi-Fi service there is fast (and free some more) because in my opinion they do not restrict the bandwidth. Meanwhile the streamyx do limit our speed. The broadband service provided by them is not very broad actually. But, I still have to stick to it since it is the “best” among the others. (If anyone knows anything better, please leave me some comment).
While my roommate(TW), CH and I were happily online, a guard (Security Guard of UTM) came in and asked us to leave without giving us any explanation. There were other people as well at that moment. He asked us to go to library if we wanted to go online. But, the line there (PSZ-Perpustakaan Sultanah Zakariah) is running at a snail’s pace (I never go online there before, I just heard this from my friends). However, undoubtedly, the speed at B11 is the fastest I have ever experienced so far. The guard never explained the reason we were not allowed to be online at B11. If late (about 1.30am) would have been the reason, he should have told us so, but he did not, he just came in and took video of us being online there with his “exceedingly advanced” hand phone (since it is better than my old hand phone). The situation was as if we were caught “ tangkap basah” by him. He wanted some proof. He forced us to leave. Since he was standing right in front of my friends and I, I had to stop all my PC applications immediately (including stopping the download running at several hundred KB/s, what a nice speed!). I felt sorry to my laptop for not shutting it down properly due to the guard who in my point of views, felt extremely sleepy and wanted go to back to sleep as soon as possible.
At this frustrated moment, he saw my roommate with his long hair (still OK lah, not too long lah, since I am his roommate, must be standing on his side, haha), he asked my roommate to give him his Matrix card (our identity card in Uni). My roommate refused to do so and said he did not bring since the guard behaved badly before. When he asked for IC or license, my roommate (TW) said he forgot to bring as well. He said so because he just felt disgusted with the guard for forcing us to leave without giving us proper reason. He just had the guts to be recalcitrant. Haha. The guard asked him to go back to Balai (Security Station). TW refused and just kept on walking. Then the guard said he will follow TW to go back to room to get his identity. He seemed like really wanted to “kenakan” my roommate. While TW was heading to go back to room, trying to run way from the guard, the guard was surrounded by other students who already handed over the Matrix cards to him and asked for reason. This had actually helped TW to “escape” from the guard as he was busy answering questions from the others. Meanwhile CH and I were being the eyes and ears for TW, observing the situation. We were feeling very excited for “playing” hide-and-seek with the guard. This is why I named this article “B11 Break” analogous to Prison Break, breaking way from the guard. After walking for a distance, we found out that the guard was not following us. Yes, we did it. Haha. Fortunately, TW did not tell him any identity about him other than he is staying in KTHO. Ah, and the video in which we were caught “tangkap basah” in his hand phone.
So, the moral of the story is that do not keep long hair and if you do, please always tell the one inspecting you that you do not bring any identification cards with you. Ooi, not that lah. If you want someone to follow what you say, please let him know the reason, or else people will just ignore you.