Saturday, November 13, 2010

我的 Sem 1 2010/2011 @ UTM (Part 1)

         每次开场白都是 “哇,好久没更新我的部落格了! ”. 忙嘛….不是不想写,不是因为没东西想发言,就真的是一个 “忙” 字. 真的忙到透不过气. 那时就会有那种想法. “到底在忙什么, 为什么大学四年的生活就只是个 “忙’ 字. 说真的, 繁忙的工作真的会让人(我的立场是位学生)忘记或不曾想过要回买巴士票回家. 在我写这篇文章时,虽然已经是Final Exam week,我手头上还有两项课业还没完成: Reinforced Concrete Design II(RC Design II) 及 Civil Engineering Information System. 虽然还有功课做及做功课是有很多好处的, 但我不想为做而做,所以选择了写部落格(懒惰就讲懒惰啦,多多借口).对于不是我的大学同学的朋友, Civil Engineering(土木工程)在你们印象中除了是那种带着安全帽,穿着安全鞋,拿着手机,在热烈的太阳底下监督着一个建筑工程的进展外,会是什么呢? 如果你的答案是design咯. 那又是design什么呢? O(∩_∩)o… 其实土木工程是很广的.我不在此解释了.请善用你的网络吧. 谷歌,雅虎,百度,必应(BING)样样齐全.只要肯花时间,是可以从网上得到非常多的知识的. 在此分享一段不错的短片- 从下载最新/高清电影,最新专辑,电子书籍,照片,快速找资料you name it. 实在实在太丰富了. (P/S:虽然下载有点侵犯知识产权(尤其是对我们这些”有知识”的人), 但这不是在我们的管辖范围当中. 能的话,尽量支持正版吧 (哈哈,好像在推销专辑)).

        这是我第一次用中文书写我部落格的文章.因为有读者(哇,讲到好像很geng(厉害)酱,读者咧)曾经问过我为什么不用中文写. 不是我不会中文,而是打中文比较慢毕竟键盘是ABC. 其实只是不习惯吧. 说真的,在我中五毕业后,鲜少再用中文写这么长的文章了. 现在的课业都用英文, 方块字越来越少用,错别字也越写越多. 这个学期上课时间其实不多,但就是作业很多及很长. 看到这么长的工作,就越来越压力及不想碰了. 这个学期的开始,同学们都刚从实习回来.每个都有自己的故事,经验或”威水”事. 分享是一定少不过得. 实习让我看见了什么是一位工程师真正要做的.Design Engineer 或 Site Engineer 都好. 做吧…..拼命的做吧. 哈哈. 还记得我的实习公司的Managing Director (就是VSL的大老板)说过, 我们是 “one leg kick” (一脚踢) 的. 就是我们常说的”包山包海”. 什么都要会做. 我在那看到了自己,看到了我应该更”废”哈哈.总的说, 人际关系是很重要的.

My pass card.

        在实习期间,谢谢也在KL实习的朋友一起出来玩,尤其是欣遂.当然少不了智仁及国辉,还有我敬爱的 旧同房-子维. 珍惜与你们外出的时间. 摘自July 5 at 2:11am我的Facebook profile 信息, “10 周就这样过去了.感谢朋友尤其是HENG SWEE.你让我期待周末.哈哈哈.电影,逛逛街,吃喝,动物园,Sunway Lagoon, ice skating, starbucks,点心,喝早茶,迷路 etc. 有朋友的陪伴是不一样的,朋友让你更勇敢. 希望你能把这次的经验套在将来的工作.时间转眼就过的. P/S : 天将降大任于斯人也,必先劳其筋骨,饿其体肤. 呵呵,你体验到了吧 ! ^0^” 及August 27 2.02pm “Re-watching some movies I watched during the internship period between last May and June is reminiscent of my happy spending money time with my friends particularly Goh Heng Swee”. 我是很感性的叻. 开心的日子我很少忘记. ^_^.

          在8月2日, 因为要为8月间生日的同学庆生,我们全体华人在上完了Info System 的课后 (上到六点),就好好当当的一伙人,穿着formal(因为星期一是smart day), 帅帅美美的出发去了.在Sutera Mall 的 Kinsahi 进行晚餐. 可能穿得比较smart,待遇好像特别好.(哈哈,我想太多了吧). 可是人靠衣装这个事实是无可厚非的. 这次的庆生可说是最完整的一次,全班到齐.真的好景不常在呀.珍惜珍惜. 大家还把生日蛋糕转圈圈,一人试一口,总共十多种口味. 真的不错, 每种蛋糕买一片.,口口都不一样滋味,也不会吃腻. 吃完了还到K-Box高歌一曲,好不痛快. 当中还小饮了一杯. 谢谢顺盛,乃和俊严. 在唱歌的当儿,当然少不了拍照. 有些照片实在令人回味.哈哈. 朋友间的关爱嘛. 别看得太重,别看得太轻.,只要还好就好.

Dinner @ Kinsahi.

@ Kinsahi.

Different slices of cake of Secr
et Recipe.

          虽然很忙,在这学期里,也做了一份part time,那就是 Traffic Surveyor,难听点就是在路边算车.哈哈. 因为出的价钱蛮不错,再加上有三五成群的朋友一起.做就做吧.钱对谁都很重要.能赚(正当的)快钱是很棒的. 还记得那天是 八月十日,地点是在Kempas.那天我们十个人就被派到不同的路口点算车子的流量.因为得点算三个小时,我们就pandai-pandai 的两个人坐在同一个路口以便能谈天.但还是能看得到各自的路口.我们工作认真的,OK. 而我就和大锟同一组,边谈边算,分享分享. 他讲的故事较多让我对他更了解. 和这位仁兄蛮洽谈的. 对我而言,谈天是很棒的.你坦白,我坦白.虽然只是短暂的几年大学朋友,不能与你认识了好多年的朋友比较,但不代表他们都存有假意的.只是需要你是才会想到你,你没用时谁管你.虽然这不罕见.话说回来,我比较喜欢观察及临听. 那怕说是一间洗车店,也能让我想到某某东西或做出结论.不会的我不想乱说,不想为了让别人知道”我是会的.”而误人子弟.哈哈,因为有时就是你加一点我加一点,到最后那件事情完全变样了. 太多有潜能的编剧了.哈哈.

The road under my survey area.

The result of my traffic survey.
        也在工作的前一天,我们十行人订购了亚航去台湾背包旅行.这是我很向往的. 看世界嘛. 太爱亚航的口号 “现在人人都能飞.” 这就是好的口号.讲到做到. 不像一些口号,讲是好听, 但达成不到,纯属口号. Cakap tak serupa bikin. 前一天订购机票时我不在场,也不太预知这项计划,朋友问要去没有,就答应了. 隔天才懂到底有谁去.当中miss了几位朋友,不过后面都补上了.不知道是不是因为这件事,也让某些朋友有了转变. 希望一切还好. 因为预订了去台湾的毕业旅行,大家都开始兴致勃勃,plan这plan那. 最重要的还是逃不了要存钱了.钱钱钱.无钱就无力的世界,很多样都是$$$.

        在这学期,拿了一科elective subject – Prestressed Concrete Design. (To be continued in part 2, 怕太长等下没人读.呵呵).

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


词\陈小春 曲\陈小春 唱\陈小春

神啊 救救我吧
神啊 救救我吧
神啊 救救我吧
神啊 救救我吧
神啊 救救我吧
神啊 救救我吧


It has been a long time since I show off, no I mean practicing actually, my writing skill. As I am arrogant, I want to show off in this blog again otherwise this blog will be inactive and bring disappointment to my followers. LOL.

I am now doing my internship with the company I have chosen few months before. Do not know which is my company? Never mind, please read my article “Blog @ busy moment” (sound like I am forcing people to read my blog) then you will know it. You must be now thinking that I am going to talk about my internship life is it? You guess it right. Clever! (anyone also knows lah as I mentioned before).Ok, get serious, enough with those lame jokes.

I am a civil engineering student and going to graduate next year around this time. By the time I will be a (so-called) fresh engineer. Engineer sounds like someone who has great mind and can solve a lot of problems. I will make sure I will be a real problem solver instead of problem creator due to poor quality work. I hope I can materialize the promise. How to do it? Everyone has different ways of doing it. I do not want to share here or else you will be as successful as I am. LOL. No lah! I am willing to share if you are willing to share too. Those who ever receive something from me will know. Thanks to you guys for sharing with me too. Tell you my secret recipe next time if you are interested.

Does an engineer earn a lot as the others thought of since it sounds professional? In my opinion, the answer is NO. Even a top seller in a shop in the shopping centre may earn more than us or almost same with us i.e. 2k++ for a fresh graduate. Therefore, what does an engineer earn is usually the pride, NOT the price unless you are distinguished or experience-rich in the field. How to achieve the criterion above? It is none other than enriching yourself with knowledge and experience (all those “nice to hear but not easy to achieve” words).

Before going for my internship, I had equipped myself with several new stuffs because the old ones cannot serve me anymore. It is just like real life, when you cannot serve anymore, you will be abandoned especially to the elderly people. By the way, please do appreciate the elderly people. Please give your seat to them if they have none. You can stand, can’t you. Aren’t you strong (for boys) / kind-hearted (for girls) in front of the opposite sex friends. Aren’t you “educated” people? Do not act kind in front of friends but be indifferent to the elderly people looking for seats. Kindness comes from the heart, not from the surface where you only want to show to people surrounding you that “I am kind, I am kind, I give seat to the old man”. I see this everyday during the time I go for work and come back from work. For your information, I take bus to my internship office. Twice.

I do not mind taking bus twice for my internship as I am the one who made the decision before. One must always be responsible to what he did. In my view, one must always have some bitter gourd before enjoying the honey. It is just like the work that my company is doing i.e. prestressing. I am now being prestressed in a bid for me to be able to take greater work load later.

Talking about my internship, I want (to be continued)….

Thursday, March 25, 2010



Finally all those tests, assignments and projects have come to an end today. Since we (my classmates and I) have been hearing and saying all those 3 nouns for this whole semester, I do not and will not speak more about them. But, talking about all those works, there is an interesting thing to talk about that is relationship among friends.

There are many kinds of people as we all know (I am very very sure that you all know, but how well do you know?). Human beings are remarkable kind of creature because they have minds to THINK compared to other animals. But at the same time, it is also that the “great” mind which makes simple thing becomes complicated. (But the way, animals eg. dogs are also improving themselves too because they can “read” their owners’ minds since long time ago. Therefore, I myself sometimes think that the gap between human beings and animals are getting closer as if we are interchanging our roles; some humans are doing something just like animals nowadays while animals are behaving like humans after living together with humans for such a time. It is a great philosophy. I do not want to discuss much because I am not PhD in it. The above is just what I feel via reading and hearing).

Back to the relationship among friends, I just want to express what I feel as I explained in my first blog. No means of insulting to anyone. I made a friend of mine had and is still having misunderstanding about me due to the words I said during a day where I dressed up smartly to attend a event. Until now, I am still wondering what sentences that I said that made him feel that I insulted him. I can feel the “cold war” (not a war actually, just to bring out the meaning of talking less after the misunderstanding.) between us. You do not deny it oh. Haha. It is very common for people to misunderstand us especially the people who do not know us well or the people who do not even care to know you more. I should have forgotten it, but I can’t because I care about what people think of me. I do not mean every word you say can affect my emotion, but what I care is the negative reaction of you due to my “negative” (in your point of view) action. Action=reaction. Newton’s Third Law. This law is even applied in a very meaningful and educational French movie entitled Les Choristes in French or The Chorus in English. Discover it yourself if you are really interested. It is a favorite movie of mine. I feel that it is really meaningful, but it is still subjective to you. We can share about our views once you have watched it too.

I am sincere and frank to the extent accepted by my friends and I. Sometimes, I may think that the words are nothing, but in your heart you may feel excruciating hearing my words. Sorry if I make you feel so. Yet, this also carries the message that we still have a long journey to become greater friend. Once you understand me and I understand you, then we ourselves can judge whether or not the sarcastic words we say carry the meaning of a joke or actually sarcasm. Use your (engineering) judgment wisely, my fellow future engineer friends. One more thing, when I do not speak and keep quiet, some of my friends “complaint” that I looks hostile. Thank you because you are frank to me, giving me to improve and upgrade. I like sincerity from friends especially when most of others are multi-faceted people. I will try to smile more to balance up the serious and cool (haha, use cool pula) face awarded by my parents. Hehe. Sometimes when I am exhausted, I will speak less because I am really exhausted. Instead of saying that I am hostile, why don’t you ask me why I just look quieter than normal days. There are two options, first is that I am tired of works or facing problems, second, you have really done something that make me feel angry about you. Haha. If you do not do something bad to me, why should you feel scared to ask me why my face looks “black”. I am not an irrational person who releases my anger over other innocent people.

Hehe. In conclusion (walao, like formal writing pula, haha), I can’t be perfect (a song of Simple Plan). Just try my best to deal with you guys. Haha, to You, time heals old wounds. Hope that we will have a long chat again. For others, do not ask me who is the “victim”. Please follow my next blog to know more. Hahaha. Isn’t it wonderful to have some curiosity in life, is it? It may be just a made-up story of mine to satisfy my desire to practise my writing. When the time comes, it will be revealed. ^o^. Lastly, “Faint heart never won fair lady”. But, 被人关心是幸福快乐的;关心别人时也应让人觉得如此 (Being concerned is a happy thing; when you concern people, you should make them feel so), otherwise just forget about it. (OK, stop here. I want to rest already after spending the evening for me to take a nap after rushing for works yesterday till 6.30am and woke up at 8.10am today to present the works, to write this blog which has been kept in my heart for quite a long time). See you again.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Boyzone - Gave It All Away

Boyzone - Gave It All Away

I … I will learn to live before I die
Will learn to love and learn to try
Not to give it all away (give it all away)
She … she may be
The one that’s meant for me
Or for the man that I used to be (used to be)
Til' I gave it all away (gave it all away)

why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more re re
But I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry ry ry)

You taught me to see the better truth
About yourself but about me too (about me too)
I was stupid over you
What could I do

Why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more re re
But I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry ry ry)

Why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more re re
But I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry ry ry)

Some people wait a lifetime for a chance like this
I've waited enough
Baby, no, I won't let you go
I’m sick of tears and being fierce

(I won't let go of you, I won't let go of you, of you, of you)

Why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more re re
But I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry ry ry)

Why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more re re
But I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry ry ry)

There's nothing left to take (cry ry ry ry cry ry ry ry ry)

I gave it all away

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blu-ray Disc (BD) and MKV File

What is Blu-ray Disc ?

Blu-ray Disc is a next-generation, optical disc format that enables the ultimate high-def entertainment experience. Blu-ray Disc provides these key features and advantages:

- Maximum picture resolution. Blu-ray Disc delivers full 1080p* video resolution to provide pristine picture quality.

- Largest capacity available anywhere (25 GB single layer/50 GB dual layer). Blu-ray Disc offers up to 5X the capacity of today’s DVDs.

- Best audio possible. Blu-ray Disc provides as many as 7.1 channels of native, uncompressed surround sound for crystal-clear audio entertainment.

- Enhanced interactivity. Enjoy such capabilities as seamless menu navigation, exciting, new bonus features, and network/Internet connectivity.

- Broadest industry support from brands you trust. More than 90% of major Hollywood studios, virtually all leading consumer electronics companies, four of the top computer brands, the world’s two largest music companies, PLAYSTATION® 3 and the leading gaming companies, all support Blu-ray Disc.

- The largest selection of high-def playback devices. Blu-ray Disc is supported by many of the leading consumer electronics and computing manufacturers. That means you can maximize the use of your HDTV and your home entertainment system with the widest selection of high-def playback devices—including players, recorders, computers, aftermarket drives and the PLAYSTATION® 3 game console.

- Backward compatibility**. Blu-ray Disc players enable you to continue to view and enjoy your existing DVD libraries.

- Disc robustness. Breakthroughs in hard-coating technologies enable Blu-ray Disc to offer the strongest resistance to scratches and fingerprints.

*HDTV required. As with other optical media devices, user factors and other circumstances may limit Blu-ray Disc playback. Some content may require HDMI compatible TV for high-definition playback.

**Product-dependent feature.

Why is the format called Blu-ray Disc?

The name Blu-ray came from the fact that the laser beam which reads the data from the new discs is blue instead of red which is used for current DVDs and CDs. This new blue laser is at the heart of Blu-ray Disc technology (i.e. blue ray of light).

What is the difference between Blu-ray Disc and DVD?

Just as DVD meant a five to 10 times increase in storage capacity compared to CD, Blu-ray Disc represents an increase over DVD capacity by five to 10 times. This is due, among other reasons, to the usage of a blue instead of a red laser and improved lens specifications, allowing for a much smaller focus laser beam which enables the recording of much smaller and higher density pits on the disc.

Due to the fact that the data layer on a Blu-ray Disc is placed much “closer” to the laser lens than in DVD, there is less distortion resulting in significantly improved tolerances. Hence, more precision and ultra-high storage densities are now possible.

(Quoted directly from the official web site of the Blu-ray Disc Association -

MKV File

The Matroska Multimedia Container is an open stardard, free container format, a file format that can hold an unlimited number of video, audio, picture or subtitle tracks inside a single file. It is intended to serve as a universal format for storing common multimedia content, like movies or TV shows. Matroska is similar in concept to other containers like AVI, MP4 or ASF, but is entirely open in specification, with implementations consisting mostly of open sourse software. Matroska file types are .MKV for video (with subtitles and audio), .MKA for audio-only files and .MKS for subtitles only.

Content in Matroska

Initially the uptake of the format was low. It was used almost exclusively for DVD rips of anime, as the container allowed the viewer to choose between the original language track and a dub with the option of subtitle. It also allowed for variable frame rates. In recent years, however, Matroska has seen wider use due to the warez scene adopting it as a format of choice for high definition content ripped from HDTV and next generation video discs (HD DVD and Blu-ray). The format usually carries H.264 video, one or more AC3/AAC/DTS/Vorbis audio tracks and sometimes one or more subtitle tracks (coupled with TrueType or OpenType fonts).

(Quoted from Wikipedia)

The purpose I wrote this article because a friend of mine asked me what they are few days ago. BD as you read from the above is a completely new kind of disc which gives you the best watching experience so far (as technology is becoming more advanced everyday). Its quality (together with the LCD TV or LED TV and 5.1 or 7.1 Home Theatre System) is very much better compared to a DVD. You yourself can make a comparison between them if you always “get” movies from the internet (the word download is prohibited here as it is illegal). Though, the movies you “got” are already compressed, not that original BD (yet still, you can spot the difference between a DVD and a BD). You will find out that the movie is really crystal clear (you can see this in the electrical appliance shop which is playing a BD movie).

However, a BD is sold at around RM 100-150 per disc ( which is an exorbitant price for Malaysians. Besides, the blu-ray players also cost at least RM1000++ . Meanwhile, the blu-ray ROM and blu-ray RW for PC are sold at around RM300 and RM1000++ respectively. Therefore, price is the main obstacle that makes BD not yet commercialised in Malaysia. It is still left to the rich people to enjoy this high-definition (HD) experience. I hope that the price will drop as soon as possible so that I (should be my family, haha) can afford to buy them (BD player, BD RW and BD).

Meanwhile, a MKV file is a container that you can put in a BD-ripped movie (normally), several audio (different languages) and several subtitles (different languages as well). It gives you the flexibility to change in between the audios and subtitles. That is the main reason I always try to “get” those movies in MKV format.

In a nutshell, even though many of us currently still cannot afford to buy a full set of blu-ray system, we can still enjoy the HD experience of BD by connecting your PC to your HDTV and playing your “gotten” HD movies (in my case, the movies are in MKV format). Further information can always be obtained from the internet. I am just sharing a small part that I know. Hope they are correct.